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Power Supplies and Connection Cables

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply #59-099 5V Universal Power Supply, #59-099
  • Interchangeable 4 Blade Kit for US, UK, Euro and Australian Standard Outlets
  • 5, 9, 12, or 15V Power Supply Options
  • Only 5V and 9V Options Include a 6-Foot Cord


 Title   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
5V Universal Power Supply, EU
9V Universal Power Supply, EU
12V Power Supply, Interchangeable Plugs
15V Universal Power Supply

Product Details

Universal Power Supplies

The universal power supplies include an interchangeable 4 blade kit for US, UK, Euro and Australian standard outlets. 5V and 9V options include a 6-foot cord ending in a terminal block for connection to wire leads.