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Single Frequency Turnkey Lasers

Single Frequency Turnkey Lasers (Power Supply Included)

Single Frequency Turnkey Lasers (Power Supply Included)

  • Single Frequency and Single Transverse Mode Operation
  • Narrow Spectral Linewidth <0.00001nm
  • 532, 639, and 1064nm Wavelengths
  • Low Cost Turnkey Lasers from 405 - 1064nm Also Available

Common Specifications

Warm-Up Time (minutes):
Type of Laser:
Solid State
Laser Class - CDRH:
Class IIIb
Pointing Stability after Warm Up (mrad/°C):
100:1 (minimum)
Spatial Mode:
Mode Quality, M2:
Beam Diameter (mm):
Beam Divergence (mrad):
Spectral Line Width (pm):
Output Power (mW):
Power Stability (%):
Peak-to-Peak Noise:
Output Type:
Free Space
Operating Temperature (°C):
+10 to +40


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532nm, 200mW, Single Frequency Turnkey Laser
639nm, 200mW, Single Frequency Turnkey Laser
1064nm, 200mW, Single Frequency Turnkey Laser

Product Details

Single Frequency Turnkey Lasers are continuous wave diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers designed for single frequency and single transverse mode operation. These lasers operate at a fixed wavelength of 532, 639, or 1064nm and have both a narrow spectral linewidth of <0.00001nm and long coherence length of >50m. These features, combined with a high output power of 200mW, make these lasers ideal for applications such as confocal microscopy where high brightness and precise wavelengths are required, or interferometry where long coherence lengths are required for better detail resolution. Single Frequency Turnkey Lasers have a compact design, allowing for easy integration into flow cytometry, Raman spectroscopy, holography, fluorescence microscopy, and R&D lab setups.

Note: Power supply included.

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