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0.3 OD 75 x 75mm Neutral Density Filter

Stock #53-703 In Stock
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Neutral Density Filter

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Dimensions (mm):
75 x 75 (Nominal)
Length (mm):
Width (mm):

Optical Properties

Optical Density OD (Average):
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Wratten 2
Transmission (%):
Blocking Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
REACH 241:

Product Details

Storage in humid environments can cause the filters to cloud and temperatures should not exceed 50°C for extended periods. Every 0.3 density increment equals one f-stop.

  • Available in Large Sizes
  • Easily Cut for Custom Sizing
  • Kodak Filter No. 96

Kodak Wratten 2 Neutral Density Filters are used in image forming optical systems to reduce light intensity across the visible spectrum without altering the spectral profile. These ND filters feature tolerances of ±10% of the nominal diffuse density. Although the filters transmit the infrared spectrum, neutrality is controlled only in the visible spectrum. Kodak Wratten 2 Neutral Density Filters are uncoated and have a blocking wavelength range of 400-700nm. All ND filters are 0.1mm in thickness and can be cut for easy custom sizing.

Note: Storage in humid environments can cause the filters to cloud and temperatures should not exceed 50°C for extended periods. Every 0.3 density increment equals one f-stop.

Technical Information


Title CompareStock Number  Price Buy
0.1 - 4.0 OD, 75 x 75mm, Kodak Wratten 2 Neutral Density Filter Kit (13 Filters) #15-115 £2,133.50   Request Quote
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