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1mm/ 100 Divisions, Stage Micrometer

Stage Micrometers

Stock #36-121 3-4 days
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Physical & Mechanical Properties

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Line Width Tolerance (mm):

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Product Details

  • Reticle Scales Centered on Microscope Slides
  • Designed for Routine Calibration
  • 1 x 3" Slide Sizes

Stage Micrometers are reticle scales centered and mounted on 1" x 3" slides. The micrometers are designed for the routine calibration of microscope eyepiece reticles and objective powers, especially when interchanging objectives or eyepiece reticles between microscopes. The micrometers have a thickness tolerance of ±0.1mm. Stage Micrometer model #36-121 is 1mm thick on clear glass slides with 10mm glass disc; all others are 1.5mm thick with black anodized aluminum slides and 12.5mm clear aperture for 16mm diameter glass disc. Model #36-121 does not have numbered scales.

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