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Olympus 1X Camera Coupler

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Model Number:
U-TV1X-2-7 (U-V1127)

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Weight (g):

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • High Numerical Aperture (NA) up to 1.45
  • Chromatic Aberration Correction from 400 - 1000nm
  • Uniform Image Flatness over Large FOVs

Olympus X-Line Extended Apochromat Infinity Corrected Objectives (also referred to as the UPLXAPO series) are Olympus’ next generation high performance objectives that simultaneously feature high numerical aperture (NA), broadband chromatic aberration correction, and excellent image flatness. The high numerical aperture (NA) allows for excellent light collection efficiency to better capture faint signals, enabling a shorter exposure time and higher contrast. The broad chromatic aberration correction compensates for the wavelength-dependent spatial shift of colors to achieve excellent color reproduction. These objectives also achieve high image flatness from the center to the edges of images over large fields of view (FOV), making them ideal for image stitching and quantitative image analysis. Olympus X-Line Extended Apochromat Infinity Corrected Objectives are used in demanding life science and clinical applications including pathology, fluorescence microscopy, multicolor or widefield fluorescence imaging, confocal or super resolution microscopy, and whole slide imaging.

Technical Information

  Stock # A B C D E F G WD
Olympus UPLXAPO 4X Objective #14-905 31.89 - - 15.4 15.4 28 4.7 13.0
Olympus UPLXAPO 10X Objective #14-906 41.78 3.7 4.28 9.6 19.4 28 4.6 3.1
Olympus UPLXAPO 20X Objective #14-907 44.28 3.39 2.88 10.2 18.6 28 4.8 0.61
Olympus UPLXAPO 40X Objective #14-908 44.71 4.21 2.11 7.5 20.3 31.5 4.9 0.18
Olympus UPLXAPO 60X Oil Immersion Objective #14-909 44.74 2.1 2.84 10 19.3 31.5 4.9 0.15
Olympus UPLXAPO 100X Oil Immersion Objective #14-910 44.76 2.1 3.06 7.5 19.1 30.5 4.8 0.135