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Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm)

#11-760 Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm)

#11-760 Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm)

#11-760 Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm) #11-760 Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm) with included protective case
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Dimensions (cm):
10.2 x 10.2
Delay Resolution:
<0.001 % of Scan Range
Measurement Mode:
Collinear Intensity
SHG Phase Matching:
Not Required
Trigger Mode:
300Hz - 50kHz
Fitting Routine:
Gaussian, Sech2, Lorentz
Certified NIST Traceable Calibration

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Input Aperture (mm):

Optical Properties

Wavelength Range (nm):
700 - 1100
Measurable Pulse Duration:
50 - 3500fs
Input Beam Polarization:
Delay Linearity:


Scan Range:
150fs - 15ps
Sensitivity (W2):
Repetition Rate (Hz):
Maximum Input Power/Energy:

Hardware & Interface Connectivity

Computer Interface:

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • Trusted APE® Performance with Same Day Availability
  • TPA Detector with >0.1W2 Sensitivity @ 700 - 1100nm
  • Includes a Controller with USB Interface and Ready to Use Data Acquisition Software
  • Compact Design and Tuning Free Wavelength Matching
  • Ideal for Low and High Repetition Rate Ultrafast Lasers

The Edmund Optics Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE is used to characterize ultrafast laser pulses originating from Ti:sapphire and Yb:doped lasers. Featuring a built-in Two Photon Absorption (TPA) detector, this autocorrelator is ideal for measuring ultrafast femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses at wavelengths from 700 to 1100nm. The highly sensitive TPA detector allows for measurements of ultrafast laser pulses with high sensitivity by eliminating the need for angle tuning of the SHG nonlinear crystal. The Edmund Optics Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE is designed with a compact form factor and can be mounted onto an adjustable optical mount for easy incorporation into any ultrafast optical setup. Each autocorrelator ships with a built-in TPA detector, a controller with USB-interface, ready to use data acquisition software, and TCP/IP-based software with a subset of SCPI standard based commands that allow for users to program automated measurement routines. The Edmund Optics Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE is calibrated to a traceable standard in accordance with NIST (U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology) measurement traceability specifications.

Technical Information

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